Unlock Your Career Potential with Job Search Assistance in Orange County, CA

Are you looking for job search assistance in Orange County, CA? Goodwill of Orange County and UpSkill OC are two organizations that can help you unlock your career potential and find the right program and job opportunities based on your goals and challenges. Make Orange County a safe, healthy, and satisfying place to live, work and play by taking advantage of the regional public services available. Data shows that entry-level employment doesn't pay enough for an individual or family to have a single-family home. As midlevel job offers increase in Orange County, employers are facing the challenge of finding qualified candidates.

This is where UpSkill OC comes in. UpSkill OC is a United Way Orange County program that offers OC residents who have recently become homeless and in housing insecurity a path to sustainable employment in mid-level careers, especially in the IT and health industries. The Orange County Workforce Development Board is proud to partner with the America's Job Center of California network. The OC Navigator is part of the Orange County Behavioral Health System Transformation Innovation Project. By focusing on two of Orange County's most important mid-skilled labor sectors, in particular health care and information technology, UpSkill OC narrows the gap between the number of job openings and the number of people ready to fill those positions.

United Way Upskill OC Upskill OC of Orange County is a United Way of Orange County initiative designed to close the skills gap. Goodwill of Orange County and UpSkill OC are two great organizations that can help you find job search assistance in Orange County, CA. Goodwill provides people with barriers to finding and keeping jobs with purpose, pride, and dignity. UpSkill OC helps people navigate their career path from unemployment or low-wage positions to secure, medium-skilled careers. Both organizations offer different levels of commitment and support depending on needs and capacity. If you're looking for job search assistance in Orange County, CA, Goodwill of Orange County and UpSkill OC are two great organizations that can help you unlock your career potential and find the right program and job opportunities based on your goals and challenges.

With their help, you can make Orange County a safe, healthy, and satisfying place to live, work and play.